This 8-hour NECI Train the Trainer Instructors Certification Course provides the high school public safety instructor with the basic knowledge, skills, and resources for teaching the 911 Basic Telecommunicators Certification Course.
Course Content
By the end of this course, the public safety instructor will have received training and been tested (written and practical) in the following subjects:
- Lesson plan development, teaching methods, and classroom management
- Use of telecommunications resources, media, exercises, virtual learning labs for practicums, simulators, and Memorandums of Agreements with local PSAPs
- Disfluencies
- Compassionate Discipline
- Strategies for dealing with difficult students
- Three Teaching Styles for Student Engagement
- Teaching concepts regarding focus chapters of the Basic 911 Telecommunicators Course
The NECI Train the Trainer Instructor's Certification eligibility requires a minimum score of 80% on the final written and practical exercises.